Practice and training aids

I am often asked what are the best or most useful training aids. The answer is simple, "the one you will actually use! "

I am always offered new and more effective teaching/training tools by inventors and manufacturers.  Mostly I say no thanks. There have been a few that I think would be helpful for the typical golfer.

Allignment aids. Whether they are the expensive "tour sticks" you buy at a pro shop or drive-way markers from Ace Hardware alignment sticks are useful. But an umbrella a ball retriever or even golf clubs laid on the ground will do the trick. Only If you actually go to the range and use them. Otherwise they are just bright orange sticks poking out the top of your golf bag.

Weighted clubs. They are great for timing, rotation, stretching and building strength. However they will not help one little bit if they languish in the back of a closet.

White marking paint. This a can of aerosol that you can use to put a stripe on the ground.  Best tool around for learning how to hit the ground after the ball.

I think for the typical recreational golfer those three tools used purposely and regularly would do wonders.

There are fancy electronics, bands, braces,  gloves, shoes, apps and even glasses. Save your money, instead get a lesson from an instructor that already has them in his bag of little and rarely used stuff.