Over dozens of years teaching, consulting, mentoring or coaching I am always amazed at how different the feeling is from the actual behavior.
"Gee coach, I am really trying my hardest." Says the 15 year old shortstop.
"I really feel like I know my employees." Whines the manager.
"I feel like the backswing and the downswing are at the same speed." Ben Hogan states emphatically.
None are true.
Science has gone to great lengths to show us that what we feel is quite often not real. The world is flat, well it feels flat.
What you feel is happening in your golf swing is probably as far from the truth as the previous quotes.
Using science and technology we can learn to feel for real. Find a golf coach that has these three things.
1. A video camera to show you the truth.
2. A launch monitor to measure the truth.
3. The courage to tell you the truth.