In golf, once the club is selected there are only 4 factors that the golfer has control of that determines ball flight.
1. Path.
2. Face.
3. Bottom.
4. Pace.
Learn to manage these four factors and you will be a better golfer.
The first two factors work together to determine initial ball direction and any curve the ball may exhibit. Physics tells us the ball will start on a path 90 degrees to the face of the club at impact. Any curve the ball may take will be in the opposite direction of the path of the swing through impact.
Add bottom to the equation and we get solid contact... or fat....or thin. If the bottom of the swing is anywhere but just after contact with the ball we have a problem. (Except for the driver and certain other teed up shots.)
Pace of the club head determines distance and height. The faster the pace the higher and further the flight.
Face starts the initial ball flight.
Face and path determines curve.
Face and path and bottom delivers solid contact.
Face and path and bottom and pace create distance.
Focus on the four physical truths to be a better golfer.