For example if they are standing on the driving range tee box the question is different than when they are on or around the green. On the green they are asking about distance CONTROL, on the tee box they are asking about how to hit it LONGER.
On and around the putting surface the question is valid, and the answer is DISTANCE. Most people miss more often and by a greater distance long and short than they will left and right. Learning to control distance when putting, chipping and pitching is by far and away the best way to lower your score. The shots around and on the green account for more than 2/3rds of most amateur golfers scores.
Back on the driving range tee box most amateurs would be well served on working to discover just how far they can consistently hit each club with a full, 3/4 and half swing. Knowing how far a full swing with a 6 iron will carry is more important than learning to hit it 10 yards farther.
Moving to the golf course the question changes again and neither distance nor direction is the most important. Direction is replaced with a small focused target and distance is replaced with correct club and swing choice. What is left then as the most important thing is EXECUTION!
That brings us back to the practice range with a new and inspired purpose, working to meld 3 elements into one consistent swing.
- Solid contact with each swing.
- Predictable ball flight (direction) with each swing.
- Reliable distance with each club.
Coming soon: Faults and Fixes, the workbook.